Lager and Onion Mustard
This zippy mustard gets is distinctive flavor from Rauchbier, a German lager that is smoked. There are many brands of Rauchbier available in the states; consult your local brewer if you need help. This recipe makes 16 ounces; pack into smaller jars for an awesome hostess gift.
10 minutes
12 minutes
Lager and Onion Mustard
10 ounces Rauchbier
1 cup whole brown mustard seeds, divided
1/4 cup malt vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon yellow mustard powder
1 teaspoon salt, kosher or smoked
1 teaspoon cracked black peppercorns
In a non-reactive, lidded container, add Rauchbier, 1/2 cup of the mustard seeds and malt vinegar. Stir to combine. Seal and let sit 4 hours to overnight.

In a sauté pan over medium heat, add oil and onions. Stir occasionally until the onions are golden brown, about 10 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another 2 minutes. Transfer to a blender, also adding beer-mustard mixture, brown sugar, mustard powder, salt and pepper. Blend until smooth, about 2 – 3 minutes. Add remaining 1/2 cup whole mustard seeds and stir gently to combine.

Transfer the mustard to lidded glass jars and chill overnight before serving.
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