Pollo Asada Street Tacos
Juicy and flavorful, these healthy tacos are just the thing to get you outside and into the warm weather! Although marinading the chicken does take some time, the cooking time is quick and easy. This recipe makes 12 tacos.
2 hours / 0 mins
30 minutes
Pollo Asada Street Tacos
For the chicken/marinade:
2 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1 medium white onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
4 dried Guajillo chili peppers
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Remaining ingredients:
12 taco-sized corn tortillas
2-3 tomatoes, chopped
Handful of freshly chopped cilantro
6 ounces Cotta cheese, crumbled
Lime wedges
Wash the Guajijllo peppers and remove the stems and seeds.Place the peppers in a bowl and cover them with hot water. Let soak for one hour. Remove the peppers and discard the water.

Place the peppers, onion, orange juice, vinegar, oregano, thyme, salt and pepper in a blender and blend until smooth.

Add the chicken thighs to a resealable plastic bag and pour the marinade over the top of the chicken. Close the bag and toss to ensure all sides of the chicken are coated with the marinade. Refrigerate for at leat 4 hours and up to 12, if you have the time.

An hour before cooking, remove the chicken from the refrigerator and let rest.

Preheat your grill or grill pan to medium-high. Place the chicken on the grill and grill for 10 minutes, flipping once in the middle of cooking. Once cooked, remove the chicken from the grill and let rest for a few minutes.

Add the tortillas to the grill and warm for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and wrap in foil for a few minutes. While tortillas are resting, slice the chicken.

To assemble the tacos, add a few slices of chicken to each tortilla. Add tomatoes, cilantro and cheese. Serve with a lime wedge.
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